Due to the shortness of breath, the horse uses its own abdominal muscles to breathe in order to push the air out despite the constricted bronchial vessels. Over time, the horse develops the so-called "steam groove", which is an unmistakable sign of steaminess in the horse.
Due to an anatomical peculiarity, the soft palate of the horse is located below the epiglottis. This makes the horse one of the few animals that can only breathe through its nose, even when performing at peak performance.
Small amounts of the allergen are introduced into the body. This is intended to allow the body to slowly get used to the allergen and no longer react to contact with an overreaction of the immune system. Hyposensitization is the only form of therapy for allergies that treats the cause of the symptoms.
Typical symptoms of an influenza infection are a strong cough, fever, nasal discharge and swollen lymph nodes - in extreme cases, an infection can also lead to permanent damage to the lungs. To prevent infection, a vaccination against the virus is recommended.
However, special care should be taken with horses with metabolic diseases and laminitis patients. In these cases, cortisone can trigger new attacks of laminitis if used incorrectly.
The advantage of mesh nebulizers/inhalers is that they do not generate heat. However, the membrane of mesh nebulizers/inhalers must be replaced at regular intervals. Inhalation also takes longer and requires more maintenance than ultrasonic nebulizers/inhalers. The Flexineb® and the SaHoMa® are examples of mesh nebulizers/inhalers.
The advantage of piezo nebulizers/inhalers is that they do not generate heat. However, the membrane in piezo nebulizers/inhalers must be replaced at regular intervals. Inhalation also takes longer and requires more maintenance than with ultrasonic nebulizers/inhalers. The Flexineb® and the SaHoMa® are examples of piezo nebulizers/inhalers.
In horses, pneumonia usually occurs as a secondary infection. Affected horses often have high fever, nasal discharge, cough, are apathetic and do not want to eat.
Certain pollens can cause severe allergies in some horses. Allergies to Bermuda grass, mugwort, cedar and alder are particularly common.
In the case of respiratory diseases, prevention mainly consists of avoiding dust and optimizing housing. However , inhalation in horses can also be used preventively.
Affected horses are either sick themselves or have an increased risk or suspicion of having the disease.
In severe equine asthma, remodeling of the airways often occurs. Colloquially, this is often referred to as "scarring" of the lungs.
As a result, the transition from dark to unpigmented skin becomes blurred and changes.
Horses absorb toxins primarily through poor quality feed. Possible sources of toxins include poisonous plants, bacteria, yeasts and molds.
During a bronchoscopy, a sample of this fluid can be taken, which can be examined cytologically in the laboratory to make a diagnosis.
The advantage of an ultrasonic inhaler is the small particle size, the quiet operation and the longevity. However, ultrasonic inhalers can generate a slight amount of heat.
Examples of ultrasonic inhalers are the Air One, the Equosonic and the EquiEasyNeb.
There are various viruses that can cause respiratory diseases in horses.
This is a form of equine asthma, which causes symptoms especially in warm, humid weather on the pasture.
Possible signs of pasture cough include increased respiratory rates during rest periods, coughing fits, nasal discharge, reduced performance, shortness of breath and abdominal breathing.